As promised, I will resume the story of my left knee injury, which I suffered in September.
But I will start with the end of the story: last week I returned to the ITF circuit...
I would have liked to start this article about my return to the circuit on an optimistic note, that is, a few matches without any pain, happy to be playing, finally, without struggling.
But I'm...
I'm home. I'm writing from home.
I think this is the first article and maybe it will remain one of the few that I don't write from the airport or from a cafe in a...
Zburăm aproape în fiecare săptămână în locuri diferite din întreaga lume pentru a putea participa la turneele, unde trebuie să ne îndeplinim obiectivele mici pentru a reuși să ajungem la cel principal: participarea la un turneu de Grand Slam, acesta fiind visul oricărui jucător